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New job and renewed happiness in Albania

 A young man throws dough for a pizza into the air.
Realf received assistance from DIMAK to qualify for a job as a pizza chef.

New job and renewed happiness in Albania

My name is Realf and I am 25 years old. I went to Germany in early 2018 and wanted to start a career there. But after five months I realised that would be difficult without a legal status. So I returned to my homeland, Albania – then completely new opportunities opened up for me there. What happened was that

friends back in Tirana told me about DIMAK, the "German Information Centre for Migration, Training and Careers". They said DIMAK could help me to reintegrate. That sounded promising, so I decided to go along. This really was an excellent decision. Because the advice team provided me with all sorts of information and I learned about various paths and courses. It opened my eyes; suddenly I could now see the opportunities that were available in Albania.

Unfortunately I don't have any proper training, just my school leavers certificate. Although I have always been interested in food and gastronomy. DIMAK referred me to a GIZ project that gave me the chance to attend a course and train as a pizza chef. After that, I found a job in a restaurant all by myself. The advice I received at DIMAK really helped me. I now have a job that I enjoy! Now I can say that coming back was the right thing to do. I found a new, skilled job and I am very happy about that.

As of 04/2019

After returning I found a new, skilled job.
Realf, Albania

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