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Discover new opportunities in Senegal

We'll inform you of your opportunities for migrating to Germany and Europe or within the region - to help you find work or improve your skills. You can also contact us if you've returned to Senegal. We can support you with looking for a job or starting a business, for example. 

The advice given by our centre is available to everyone. It is free of charge, confidential and without obligation.


Our services

GIZ Beratungssituation Senegal

Our services

The Senegalese Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) welcomes you. You can get information and individual advice on the following topics:

  • Regular migration to Europe and within the region
  • Job and training opportunities in Senegal
  • Business start-up
  • Mental health, psychosocial support and emergency assistance

We also arrange trainings on various topics:

  • Application training and job search
  • Vocational qualification and further training
  • Starting your own business

Insights into our work

Ein Ausschnitt aus einem Comic in französischer Sprache, darauf Frauen und Männer auf einer Baustelle.

Clandestino I and II – comics dealing with migration, future prospects and development in Senegal

Two comic volumes in the “Clandestino” series deal with the topic of migration from a Senegalese point of view. The first story involved two friends, Modou and Samba, who return to Senegal from Europe. The new comic now tells the story of a young Senegalese woman called Sara. After completing her studies and a successful career in Germany, she is now engaged for a few months as an expert assisting with a major development project in Senegal.

Clandestino I ... Read the comic
Clandestino II ... Read the comic

Senegal: superb feedback from the job fair in Dakar

The job fair relating to youth, jobs and mobility in the Senegalese capital Dakar was a major success. Thousands of young people used the event to make contact with companies and develop new career prospects.

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Youth, Employment, Mobility Fair

From 22 to 24 May 2023, Dakar hosted the " Youth, Employment, Mobility Fair". During three days, young people were able to participate in a wide range of training sessions, coachings and conferences on job search, entrepreneurship and mobility.

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Professional development in Senegal: the women of Thiaroye sur Mer

People from Thiaroye sur Mer in Senegal often die in an attempt to reach Europe by sea. A women’s collective warns against irregular migration. It tells people about the alternatives offered by professional development.

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Earning their own money from local cereal crops

The Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) has been providing an inclusive training course for women with and without disabilities. Processing cereal crops gives the women the opportunity to improve their incomes.

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Achieving more together through chicken farming

A women’s association has been given CSAEM support to start a successful chicken farming business in Dakar. The members now have additional income for themselves and their families.

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Everyone’s listening to the radio: it’s a programme about migration and the opportunities in Senegal

A radio programme in Senegal is providing information on the risks of irregular migration and local job opportunities. The programme is being broadcast in French and the local languages Wolof, Fulani and Diola.

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Working in the public sector

Partnerships with public institutions in Senegal help CSAEM to contribute to matching jobseekers with suitable jobs. Its service includes training courses and job placement.

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“We answer any questions that clients may have”

Benedite Regina Coly is an advisor at the Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM). She welcomes returnees and locals who are looking for a job. In this interview she talks about how she helps people overcome their challenges and develop new career prospects.

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First steps for entrepreneurs and young people who are self-employed  

The Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) offers practical training initiatives that in particular empower women and young people in Senegal. The qualifications they obtain help them on their way to earning their own income from self-employment.

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Podcast episode 4: "For our lives to be useful"

In this episode of the Senegalese-German Centre podcast, we have entrepreneur and coach Anna Emmanuelle Diouf Sarr as our guest. In the interview, she explains how to find a balance between professional and private life, how personal development can be an asset in our lives and how men can also support women's empowerment. The podcast is in french.

To all podcasts >

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A delivery service on two wheels

Starting my own delivery service means I can offer career prospects to other young people.

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Overcoming trauma

War, migration, unemployment: Cynthia has had a lot of problems to cope with. She received psychological counselling at the House of Hope to finally enable her to look forward again.

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Training for further processing of fruit and vegetables

The Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) regularly offers training courses on entrepreneurship. Training courses on processing fruit and vegetables into juice, jam or compote are in great demand. The video shows a training in November 2020 in Dakar for around 20 young Senegalese.

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Positive benefits from digital advice

Adrien Michel Diedhiou is an advisor at CSAEM. He gives an interview to explain how his work at CSAEM has changed due to the corona pandemic.


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Fashion for mothers and children

I’ve set up a business in Senegal making maternity and baby clothing. The advice I got from the Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) helped me a lot with this. A business start-up seminar taught me a lot about managing a business, bookkeeping, attracting customers and marketing. I also received financial assistance. The money enabled me to rent a studio and fit it out with furniture, sewing machines and mannequins.

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"There are a lot of job opportunities in Senegal"

Many people want to return, although the political or economic instability in their home country puts them off. Yet there are lots of success stories: returnees often find market niches when investigating business ideas.

Read an interview with our head of the centre here. >

Let us train you!

Do you want training for yourself, your youth association, your economic interest group or another organisation?
The Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) offers regular training courses on various topics. These include:

  • Entrepreneurship and financial management
  • Personality development
  • Processing of fishery products (conservation techniques)
  • Processing of local products (cereals, fruit and vegetables)
  • Poultry farming
  • Growing vegetables
  • Cooking and confectionery
  • Producing soap and bleach

Our training courses are free of charge.
We and our team will also be happy to organise a training course in your region.

Contact us by phone or via e-mail so that we can discuss how best to help you!

Returning to Senegal well prepared

Going back home is not always easy. Spending time abroad changes people. And their country of origin will have changed too. There is a new guidebook on reintegration that provides lots of information for Senegalese nationals. It contains useful tips on the best ways to prepare for going back home from Germany.  

You can find the guide here. >

"We speak the language of truth"

Abdourahmane Idaly Kamara is the director of the CSAEM. In this interview he talks about the support offered by the centre.

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A comic that is moving and informative

The Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) has introduced a comic presenting the risks of irregular migration, as well as the opportunities available to people in Senegal.

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Country experiences

Professional development in Senegal: the women of Thiaroye sur Mer

People from Thiaroye sur Mer in Senegal often die in an attempt to reach Europe by sea. A women’s collective warns against irregular migration. It tells people about the alternatives offered by professional development.

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Earning their own money from local cereal crops 

The Senegalese-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (CSAEM) has been providing an inclusive training course for women with and without disabilities. Processing cereal crops gives the women the opportunity to improve their incomes.

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Working in the public sector

Partnerships with public institutions in Senegal help CSAEM to contribute to matching jobseekers with suitable jobs. Its service includes training courses and job placement.

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A new branch for popular designer fashion

My fashion company “Touty” withstood the corona pandemic. It will soon be offering career prospects for more young people.

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Earning money as a woman in the security sector

Mbombe finally found a job as a security guard after her training course. Cooperation with companies enables CSAEM to match people with jobs.

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New jobs thanks to a water filtration system

I returned to Senegal after 29 years in Europe. My family and I operate a water filtration system. The CSAEM helped me when my turnover reduced, and now I want to expand my business.

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My dream is to revolutionise African fashion

My time in Germany was a great experience, but I couldn’t work there. Back in Senegal I now run a sewing workshop and I’m thinking about opening a retail outlet.

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Fashion for mothers and children

I’ve set up a business in Senegal making maternity and baby clothing.

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Seizing the opportunities that my brother didn’t have

Lots of people in my town are unemployed. I’d like to set up my own business to help change that.

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Things finally look promising

I thought moving to Europe would solve all my problems. But I didn’t make it there. Now I’m living in Senegal and doing well – thanks to psychosocial support from the “House of Hope”.

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Tailoring combats the crisis

Fashion designer Touty has opened her own tailoring business with assistance from the "Successful in Senegal" project.

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