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You can now also find the German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) in Novi Pazar, Kraljevo, Bor, Novi Sad, Kruševac, Niš, Subotica and Vranje.  Learn more >

Our centre in Serbia

We'll inform you of your opportunities for migrating to Germany and Europe or within the region - to help you find work or improve your skills. You can also contact us if you've returned to Serbia. We can support you with looking for a job or starting a business, for example. 

The advice given by our centre is available to everyone. It is free of charge, confidential and without obligation.


Our services

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Our services

The German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) welcomes you. You can get information and individual advice on:

  • How to make informed and conscious decisions about migration
  • Social and economic reintegration
  • Psychosocial support and help in emergency situations


Insights into our work

An app for new opportunities

Among other things, you can use the RE:INTEGRATE Serbia app to discover what opportunities the programme offers in Serbia. There you’ll see an overview of all the services offered by the German Information Centre on Migration, Vocational Training and Career (DIMAK) and its partners. DIMAK is the first point of contact for all questions relating to Returning to New Opportunities.

This free app is available via Google Play.

Serbia: eight new advisory centres nationwide

The "hotspot" centres are in Novi Pazar, Kraljevo, Bor, Novi Sad, Kruševac, Niš, Subotica and Vranje.

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A place for children and young people

Supporting children and young people is one of the priorities of DIMAK’s work in Serbia. The Center for Youth Integration is a significant partner in doing this.

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Priority is given to children and single mothers

Ivana Ristićević advises people from the local population and returnees from all communities at the German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) in Belgrade.

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"These people's problems are also my problems"

Tamara Vučenović is an advisor at the German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) in Serbia. She assists returnees to come back to their country of origin and build new prospects for themselves there. In addition to returnees, DIMAK target group also includes both the local population and internally displaced persons.

Learn more about our work here. >

“Now I earn a decent wage”

Where can I find a job? This is a question which troubles many people in the area around the town of Vladičin Han such as seasonal worker Dejan. Support from the German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) helped him find the right path.

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Happy to be home again

My name is Zagorka. I’m 28 years old and live in Knjaževac in Serbia. I am divorced with two children, and I spent a long time trying to establish a life for myself in Germany. But it never really felt like home there. Our asylum application was refused so we came back to Serbia, where a short course training as a beautician has allowed me to gain a foothold in the industry.

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Making start-ups fit for the future 

Anyone founding a start-up has a lot to consider and some obstacles to overcome. The German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) and its partner organisations help young companies in Serbia to do just that.

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The first virtual job fair was a great success

Around 7,500 participants meant that the network meeting was fully booked. The numerous services offered at the job fair included three online seminars on topics such as “My rights when establishing a working relationship”.

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“My work gives me financial security”

My name is Marina. I’m married with three children and four grandchildren. My husband and I wanted to build a future for our family in Germany. After three years though, we came back to Serbia. Thanks to the support I've been given I've been able to set up my own business here.

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Virtual job fairs – a format with a future

Getting to know your future employer online – virtual job fairs make it possible. The German Information Centres for Migration, Vocational Training and Career (DIMAK) in Serbia and Albania also use this format. In a joint interview, Marija Brankovic from DIMAK Serbia and Earli Shima from DIMAK Albania talk about their experiences with virtual job fairs and the challenges and opportunities of the concept.

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Country experiences

How Milica is starting a new life after spending time in a detention centre

Milica’s start in life was very difficult. Support from DIMAK enabled this young Serbian woman to undergo training, with psychosocial services helping her to make a new start in life. She is now mentoring children and young people in difficult situations. And she writes poems about her experiences and feelings. Here she reports on her impressive progress.

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Self-employment in Serbia: therapist Jelena is establishing her own practice

My name is Jelena. I’m 36 years old and have two sons. One of them suffers from autism, and I supported and cared for him myself for many years. This made me realise that I can also help other people.

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My new start in Serbia

Twice now I’ve emigrated to Germany and then returned to Serbia. Thanks to DIMAK, I’ve finally found an opportunity in Serbia. Things are now a lot better for my family and me, even if it's not easy.

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From the streets to a better life

Albert was a street kid. It took a lot of staying power and support from the Center for Youth Integration for him to attend college and move into an apartment, but now he’s working in catering and has big plans for his daughter.

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Two women fruit growers join forces

Jasmina and Milica became self-employed fruit growers to make a better life for themselves and their families in Serbia. The German Information Centre on Migration, Training and Employment (DIMAK) helped these two women.

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Firmly established as a physiotherapist

I received help in 2019 to open a physiotherapy practice in Serbia. I’m really happy now. You can also realise your ambitions in your own country.

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My own IT company

Starting a company that focuses on internet marketing gives him hope: Emiliano has built a new future for himself in Serbia after returning from Germany. Today, he is planning to further expand the business and hire several new employees.

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Using your own company to create new opportunities

My name is Saša. I was born in Kruševac in central Serbia and have returned there after several years in Germany. Because in the meantime I was able to start my own company in Serbia – something I'd always dreamed of doing. But I also received some support. This is my story:

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Safety and a family

My name is Safet and I come from Serbia. After working in my homeland for a long time as an unskilled bricklayer and decorator, I tried my luck in Germany. Although it was difficult to find a job there. So I considered returning to Serbia. Then the decision was made for me. The German authorities deported me.

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