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Using your own company to create new opportunities

Saša has an independent commercial cleaning business.

Using your own company to create new opportunities

My name is Saša. I was born in Kruševac in central Serbia and have returned there after several years in Germany. Because in the meantime I was able to start my own company in Serbia – something I'd always dreamed of doing. But I also received some support. This is my story:

I lived in Germany on two occasions. At the end of the 1990s, I fled there with my parents during the war in my home country. Then I started my own family after we returned to Serbia. The living conditions in Serbia were really very difficult, so I made my way to Germany again, this time with my wife and children. I also found work as a caretaker and cleaner. But we weren't allowed to stay. That was especially hard for my three children. They went to school in Germany and made friends there.

Back in Serbia, I wondered what the future held for our family. I wanted to use my work experience from Germany and form my own company. My concept was an office cleaning company, but I didn't have the money. Just as I was running out of ideas about what to do next, I came across the "Roma Heart" organisation. They put me in touch with DIMAK, the "German Information Centre for Migration, Training and Employment". The team there gave me lots of support in opening a small car wash service. It felt good to receive some assistance after such a long time.

Now I have my own business, but I'm still working on the concept of starting a bigger office cleaning company. 

This is what I'd like to share: my experience has taught me to seek out opportunities and help in your own country. Nowadays there are lots of new businesses and companies in Serbia, and more possibilities than you might initially think.

As of 03/2019

"I'm using my experience from Germany in my new company in Serbia!"
Saša, Serbia

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