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"Motivational success stories"

"Motivational success stories"

The German Information Centre for Migration, Vocational Training and Career (DIMAK) in Pristina has already assisted more than 1400 returnees to start their own businesses in Kosovo. Manager Edmond Gashi talks about the work done by the centre.

How does DIMAK assist people who seek your advice?
Edmond Gashi: We improve the economic and social reintegration of returnees and the local population. We provide individual advice on training, independence and employment. We organise job and career fairs and run information forums and interview training events. In addition, we offer a series of courses and provide mentoring and coaching to those starting their own businesses. We also offer psychosocial counselling. This all helps to enable the individuals themselves to improve their prospects in the job market.

What opportunities do you currently see in Kosovo?
Kosovo offers the ideal environment to start a business. There are lots of agencies and institutions that offer various grant schemes to support small and medium businesses when they are starting up. The government too focuses on promoting start-ups and new businesses. Construction, agriculture, the service sector and production have been the sectors where returnees have enjoyed the most success so far and in which there have been the most start-ups.

What motivates you in your work?
The success stories of the people we've advised and supported. It's a great responsibility, so we're very proud to help people create a stable basis for making a living for themselves and their families.