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Things finally look promising

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Things finally look promising

My name is Mamadou and I originally come from Guinea. But now I'm happy living in Senegal, which wasn’t always the case. Twice I tried to emigrate to Europe, but both times without success.

It took me a long time to get going with my career. A difficult childhood and family conflict meant I didn’t have a very good start. Then I became ill and had to interrupt my studies. These were some very painful experiences that resulted in me suffering a mental crisis. I had reached a low point in my life, so I decided that something had to change.

 A man stands in front of a fruit and vegetable stall.
Mamadou has managed to overcome a mental crisis and build a new life for himself.

Individual and group therapy

I took a job in my uncle’s fruit and vegetable business in Dakar, where a customer told me about the “House of Hope”. Even the name made me feel optimistic. This facility offers therapy for individuals and groups. Their services are aimed at traumatised and mentally unstable returnees. My therapist there helped me a lot. Our conversations made a lot of things clear to me, and his psychosocial support helped me get back on my feet.

I feel so much better now, and I can start to develop my future career. I would like to build a life in Dakar with my wife and daughter. The House of Hope helped me with this too. It referred me to the German-Senegalese Job, Migration and Reintegration Centre (CSAEM).

My plan is to set up a mobile shop selling food. The high rents mean I can’t afford the cost of fixed premises, but the CSAEM is helping me to prepare a business plan. The knowledge I gained from a seminar on starting a business and their financial support mean I will be able to make my dreams a reality.

As of: 12/2020

My therapist helped me a lot. Our conversations made a lot of things clear to me.

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